How to cook Pork Belly on a Jumbuck Mini Spit with Boomas BBQ

This image shows pork belly cooked on Jumbuck Mini Spit Roaster


Achieving Perfectly Crispy Pork Belly on a Jumbuck Spit


If you're looking for the perfect way to cook pork belly, look no further than a jumbuck spit rotisserie! This handy little device can turn your pork belly into a crispy, delicious masterpiece. In this blog post, we will show you how to do it. It's really quite simple - just follow these easy steps and you'll be on your way to pork belly perfection!


See our range of Jumbuck Mini Spit Accessories!



1. Begin preparing your pork belly by salting the skin with Kosher salt


This image shows pork belly being seasoned with kosher Salt


2. Next put the pork belly in the fridge overnight uncovered
3. The next day remove your pork belly from the fridge and score the skin in an up-and-down pattern to allow the fat and oil to drip off the skin when cooking. 

4. Season the meat side only of the pork belly with Boomas BBQ Swine & Dine rub


This image shows pork belly being seasoned with Boomas BBQ Swine & Dine rub


5. Place your pork belly in the spit rotisserie basket and close the lid


This image shows pork belly being placed in the rotisserie basket


6. Get your charcoal lit with a charcoal starter wand then load your skewer onto the spit and turn on the motor


This image shows charcoal being lit with charcoal starter wand


7. Pro-tip: you can pat the skin of your pork belly dry with a paper towel throughout the cooking process to keep that skin crunchy and golden!


This image shows delicious pork crackling cooked on Jumbuck Mini Spit


8. Booma likes to push the internal temperature of the pork belly to 85 degrees celsius to ensure the meat is juicy and the skin has a perfect crackle!


This image show delicious pork belly


9. Remove from the spit, slice and enjoy immediately. 


This image shows sliced crispy delicious pork belly

Optional: Add Kosmos Q Apple Chipotle for extra flavour!


We hope you enjoy this epic jumbuck mini spit recipe!

Check out our recipe blogs

Check out our range of Spit Rotisseries

Want to learn how to master your jumbuck mini Spit?


This is a picture of the spit roast buying guide banner that links to a page where you can download the free guide to help you with your spit roaster purchase







by: Michael Wilkie